So I've been thinking it over for awhile now. I've read many blogs recently especially on personal finance but also just on life post college. They say things about following passions and working and doing something you love. So that is what I'm trying to figure out. I like learning about personal finance cause I've always been straddling the line between frugal and cheap. And I love tips and top 10 lists. Also the other thing that is central to my life is coffee or more specifically coffee shops. In Seattle, you can't through a rock without hitting a coffee shop. We are home to Starbucks, which I love especially when I'm traveling it reminds me of home wherever I happen to be. Also full disclosure, I work as a barista for Starbucks as well. So although I wouldn't call myself a coffee connoisseur, or at least just yet, but I am one when it comes to coffee shops. Also there isn't one supreme one, but there many ones good for different reason. I will go further into this at a later date.
But now I'd like to tell you about where I am currently blogging from, which is Bedlam in Belltown. It feels like the living room of a big college house I used to live in. It's a good place for a conversation with a close friend as well as meeting with classmates to work on a project. The baristos (male baristas) are super nice. I ordered a cappuccino which had very dense quality foam although when I first saw it I thought it might not be the greatest due to the foam and espresso being cooperated into each otherfully like a Vivace cappucino. Nevertheless, plesently suprised by the loveliness of the foam. It has KEXP, a local radio station that plays lovely indie music of the Seattle persuasion, playing. Bedlam seems like what I imagine a neighborhood coffee shop should be, a meeting place yet a place you can also be by yourself, a true Seattle coffeeshop, where we are friendly but in moderation. I also enjoy the bike hanging from the ceiling. It might also be a good place for people watching as it is in Belltown and across the street from good bars, but I do enjoy Stumptown in Capitol Hill for that.
So my hope and plan is to write a post a week on a coffee shop and one on an aspect of personal finance that I'm learning.
(Photo courtesy of Bedlam's facebook page)
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