Monday, November 3, 2014

Day 3

How do you plan out the future? I have accomplished a lot of money goals for a millennial. I have no consumer debt (I had over two thousand dollars on a couple credit cards when I graduated college), and I have paid off my student loans (over twenty thousand dollars). I have a positive net worth. However I accomplished that a couple years ago thanks to Cappy. He's the one that owns the house we live in. I real like I'm swimming in uncertainty, trying to figure out how to answer, "Where I see myself in five years?" I'm finishing up my last class and then I can start the first section of the CPA in January. But there are so many variables we live in. Do I want to stay in the Midwest? If I stay two more years, will I stay here forever. Would that be bad? We as millennials are told we can be anything and live anywhere. We are an independent sort. How does that work when you are in a partnership? That's what I'm trying to figure out. And Cappy doesn't want to go with the flow. He is stressed that we need to save two million dollars each for retirement. I'm only making fifteen thousand a year right now. How can I make up my part of that savings? Nevertheless. I have my first interview at the end of the week for my first real accounting firm job. I'll talk about that in a later post. But these are the questions

Sunday, November 2, 2014


So it is that time of year again and this time I'm participating in it. Of course I am talking about NaNoWriMo, where you write everyday for a month and in the original program you finish a novel. I'm doing an adaptation where I write a blog post everyday. I'm hoping to get out of this experiment is new habit of writing and to get excited about blogging again. I want to be a producer not a passive spectator. I've been learning lately the joy of participating and how becoming vulnerable with the risk of looking foolish is helping me grow and feel alive and cultivate better relationships with people. For example, I went to Burning Man for the second time this year. My first time was fun, but it didn't feel life changing, I hid in my shell of shyness because it was so overwhelming with stimuli and genuineness. This second time, I focused on relationships. It started with getting to know a couple of guys pre-burn by building yurts, that would be our homes for the week. Also I volunteered to head the snow cones gifting for the camp. It was logistically complex, but starting before the burn connecting with people. At the burn, I wanted to sit down with people and get to know them more than going to events in the booklet. I helped people were I could and one day early in the week my bike chain kept on coming off and a guy stopped and asked if he could flip over my bike and in 2 seconds it was fixed. I worked on accepting people's generosity. It's hard for me to accept people's good intentions. I'm always skeptical, but at the burn I have to open up and understand people want to help and share with nothing in return. It is a weird economy. But it opens one up for epic experiences and friends that you will know deeper than those you've known for a lifetime. It's all about participating and stretching yourself to find your new boundaries. I'm excited to start this journey with you, my reader. And if you want to get on the bandwagon you can join here, if you want to be official about it.