Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Coffee & Finance

"Coffee & Finance" was the original name of this blog. I tweaked it later because I wanted a more dynamic name.  I noticed how apropos this name is to my blog (Also I'm excited to use the word "apropos" organically in a sentence).
Lately I have been a ball of anxiety. One of the classes I'm taking is really challenging me on the school front and my boyfriend are seriously considering the next step. So instead of really doing anything last night after work, I comforted myself at looking at my account, drinking some coffee, then some red wine, and doing my taxes. I wish I could of completed my taxes, but I'm waiting on two tax forms. I find my center when I can sip on a drink and do personal finance. I like looking at the past and how far I've come (starting with 2500 in consumer debt and 20,000 in student loans, now a net worth above 5000), and making future savings goals and trying to game plan. I also looked for new coffee shops to explore on yelp.
Although I didn't get much of anything done that I should of, I did finish the night with a shiny sink, even I cheated by using the dishwasher, instead of the normal hand-washing method. I'll take it as a win.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Possibilities for the coming Year

Questions by Jenny Blake,

  • What is one new skill that you would like to develop this year?
    • I will learn how to hula hoop going beyond the basic, then add fire to the mix. It seems like it will be a fairly frugal new skill to learn to bring back to the playa.
  • What is one hobby you want to practice? 
    • I want to practice more yoga, I look at it as a hobby more than exercise.
  • Where is one exciting destination you would like to travel to in 2013?
    • I would like to go to Istanbul.
  • What is one creative project or idea you would like to undertake?
    • I would like to finish my picture frame earring holder and wine cork trivets. This year is more about the follow through, not just seeing and recognizing but actually doing.
  • What one career move would make the biggest impact on your overall happiness and success this year?
    • I will find an accounting internship. It will break up the monotony of my barista job. Also landing an internship will build my confidence in finding employment after Starbucks.
  • What one money move would make the biggest impact on your overall financial picture this year?
    • I will learn about investing beyond just contributing to my 401k and open a brokerage account after my emergency fund is back to being fully funded.
  • Who is one person you would like to meet or reach out to this year? For example, either someone new (and maybe aspirational) or a re-kindling of an old friendship or relationship.
    • I would like to reconnect with my favorite old roommate, when I go back to Seattle. I've seen so many changes happen in her life via facebook since I moved away.
  • What area of your physical space can you clean, purge or re-organize this year?
    • Like most women, I want to tackle my closet again, especially the floor. I still have bags that I haven't emptied from my vacation in September. I look at it and it just is energy sucking.
  • What is one adventure you would like have in 2013? Choose something fun, risky, different, or otherwise soul-stirring! 
    • I want to go on some more road trips. The first one that comes to mind is to Memphis.
  • What is one health or fitness milestone you would like to hit?
    • I want to run a half marathon this year. It's one of those goals on my bucket list. I'already have one run on the books for this year the Color Run in April.
  • What is one new system you can put in place, or an area of your life that you can streamline or organize this year?
    • I want to get more on board with following FlyLady rountines.
  • What is one thing you would like to ask for help with this year? Big goals often take a village, and sometimes we get shy or afraid to ask for the help we need. What would you love to have some support around, even if you're not quite sure who to ask? 
    • I need help with procrastination. It is so horrible, yet I can't break the cycle. I don't know how to fix it.
  • What is THE biggest, hairiest, most meaningful thing that you would like to happen this year? 
    •  I would like to get a full-time job in accounting. I am ready for a "big kid" job. I want to contribute more to the shared household instead of Cappy paying for majority of things.